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American Roots
The Premiere Streaming Channel for Americana & Roots Music
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What People are Saying...
Finally - yay! I have been searching for a true Americana & alt country station that gets it - been listening all day - great stuff!!! Thanks - I will spread the word - great playlist ❤️ - App Store Review
A streaming radio station covering literally every type of American based roots music you could imagine...always the unexpected song that you would never have come across looking for yourself. Featured on all the internet radio platforms, this station is one you can keep on in the background listening with one ear, filling your day with Americana. – Americana-UK.com.
The best roots station! Only music, no ads and lots of variety, artists to discover and some already known and enjoyed. – Google Play Review
I love it - my go-to radio station, consistent quality and it's introduced me to some great new bands I hadn't heard of, like 'I draw slow' and 'Trampled by turtles'. You are doing everything right- no ads- perfect! - Online Radio Box Review
We Count on Listener Support to Remain Commercial-Free
Many thanks to our recent contributors! Can we add your name to our scrolling honor roll?
Coming Soon...

Custom American Roots branded gear is coming soon!
Watch this space to scoop up stylish t-shirts, ball caps, and more! Proceeds support the channel and help pay for operational costs.
Availability will be announced on the stream.
For Streaming Devices
If American Roots is not a preset on your streaming device, you may need to add our channel manually. Use the following URLs:
128kbps MP3 streams
64kbps AAC streams
(Please consult manufacturer documentation for setup of your specific device)
Voice Assistant Devices
Our partners at TuneIn provide streaming capability on voice assistant devices like Alexa, Google Assistant, or Cortana.
Just tell your voice assistant:
"Play American Roots on Tune In"

Streaming audio is hosted by:
Torontocast LLC
13-280 West Beaver Creek Rd
Suite #164
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Z1
Media Player links to page hosted at americanroots.torontocast.stream. Server and audio stream are hosted on Canadian-based Torontocast website.
©2024 American Roots LLC